
Friday, August 30, 2019

god's thumb

This is the picture of my god's thumb in hole's.

my sketch

Lately we have been doing sketching and this is my sketch.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The letter home.

Belfast School,
700 Main North Road,
28th August 2019.

Dear Mum and Dad,

I've been having a good time.
We got to meet Bush Rangers they were very cool. I’ve made some friends they won’t tell me their names so here are their nicknames,
Zero, Armpit, Zigzag, Twitch, Barfbag, X-ray and Magnet.
My best friend is Zero. I almost forgot to tell you I got a cool nickname which is Caveman. I better go now cause I gotta have lunch.
Bye Bye.

Kind Regards,


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Chapter Chap nickname.

Lately we have been doing Chapter chat. It's where you listen to a story then you get questions of the book and we also have activities we have to do.
This  term we focused on Holes and this is one of my activities.
We had to think of a nickname then we had to draw it.

Supportive/friendship poem.

I wrote this acrostic poem because there was lots of negativity in my class these days.

Below is the poem I wrote  :)

 Supportive to me all the time. 

Unbelievably gentle.
Playing together all the time.
Positive to me.
Our friendship can never be broken.
Really kind and helpful.
Telling them everything will be ok.
In the process of trying to make me a better person.
Very helpful when I need it.
Encouraging me to do the best.